This morning we had Jeff Stockton speak to us about how to tell our story while presenting it. He talked about story telling vitamins and that we need to practice our story every day. Please see below for Hreem and Owen's storytelling.
This afternoon we continued to work on our Mars Inquiry. Students were required to pick only 10 items they would want to take to Mars if they had the opportunity. Please see below for some pictures.
After the inquiry class students were involved in a knowledge building circle. Please see below for their answers on what they believe they should bring to Mars:
Emma: Nutritious food
Elora: I think you should go to school before you go to Mars
Emily: Clean Air
Dayna: training because you need to know how to survive on
Morgan: clean water so you can drink
Marcus: Health care so you can help someone that is hurt
Marin: someone with you
Sam: you need to go to college so you can learn to get a job
for Mars. Once you get a job you need to
find the importance of the planets
Nawfal: decent shelter to survive in
Hreem: we need protection because if you get hurt someone
will be there to protect you
Anukula: I would bring a camera to send back pictures to
Marcus: a computer to send messages to NASA
Owen: fried food incase you run out of nutritious food
Margan: fairness so someone doesn’t push you off the ship
Elora: bring something to do like a bouncy ball to play with
Owen: you will need clean air so you can breathe
Marcus: a space suit cause you need a space suit to go
Dayna: you need entertainment
Sam: you need to have something so the kids can play and so
the kids to be energized. You need a
playground so kids can run around to be energized
Anukula: A sample of soil and dirt
Nawfal: a way to contact the space station
Sam: you need to have clothes to stay warm
Hreem: you need to do exercise
Isabella: Water so you don’t get dehydrated
Muhammad: you need something if there is Aliens
Students can pick between one of the following two questions to answer this week:
1) Why did Jack change his mind?
2) What are the four reasons why Jack liked August?
Please place your answer on Kidblog:
1) Raz Kids usernames/passwords have been created. They are attached to your child's blue folder. Please go online to make sure your account works.
2) How is the Mathletics going? I'm hoping we will become one of 50 Canadian classes to become Mathletics experts.