Thursday, 17 December 2015

Thursday, December 17th, 2015

This morning was an exiting time as we worked on a number of crafts.  Please ask your child about the craft they made.


This afternoon the students continued to work on their Random Acts of Kindness project.  The students have been doing a really great job with it.

Later in the afternoon the students had an opportunity to watch a bit of "Polar Express" with their buddies.  What a great movie!!!!

I hope everyone enjoys their well deserved break.  After Christmas I will be heading up north to Whitehorse to go dogsledding and ice climbing. :)

Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Wednesday, December 16h, 2015

Students had an opportunity to practice their stories and concert today.

This morning students rehearsed their concert with Mrs. McBride.  I can't wait to see the concert this evening.  After that students went into their smaller groups and found where they will be rehearsing.  Here are a couple of pictures of the group I was working with.

This afternoon students spent some time finishing coding their Winter Scene with Scratch.  If you would like to watch your child's scene please ask your child to show you their program at home.  Below are a couple of pictures and videos.

Later this afternoon, students had an opportunity to hear Jeff Stockton's last story.  What a fantastic story.  Please ask you child about this story.

I'm looking forward to seeing everyone tonight!!!! I'm getting really excited for them as they all have been working really hard on their story and I'm super proud of them all.

1) PJ Day tomorrow.
2) No school Friday.

Blog written by Room 82

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Tuesday, December 15th

The morning we had a rehearsal for the Jeff Stockton storytelling presentation, as well we watched the Tone Chimes perform, sang a bunch of carols, and watched three Elf Yourselfs.

Elora had the opportunity to read/write the Mad Libs.

This afternoon we practiced in our small groups our Jeff Stockton stories.  Students are NOT suppose to practice tonight, in order to give them a relaxing brain break.

Later this afternoon we started to create our Winter Scenes in Scratch.  Please ask your child what program they decided to create.  Please see below for some videos and pictures.

1) Thursday is PJ Day..... YAAAAAAAAY!!!!!

Written by students in Room 82

Monday, 14 December 2015

December 14th, 2015

This morning we attended our first Christmas concert.  We had a lot of fun singing and dancing to the various songs.  The video below shows one of the dances the school moved to.

After the assembly we continued to work on our Random Acts of Kindness project.  The students have been really working hard on their projects.  Please see below for some pictures.

This afternoon each student told their story in front of the class.  I then assessed them based on the Storytelling Targets.  Each student should practice tonight in front of you while keeping the following targets in mind; eye contact, voice, body language, expression, imagination, and story.

Please answer the following question in your kidblog from our read aloud this morning.
Why did Justin tell Auggie that he had a cool room?

Notes from the school:
Students and parents of Cranston School are being invited to participate in an online survey suggesting names for the new Middle School. The link below will take you to the survey - please complete by January 6, 2016.  Thank you!

Friday, 11 December 2015

Coding Friday

Today we were very busy with a number of different projects.

This morning if students completed their Mars video, they had an opportunity to work on their "Hour of Code" coding as it's computer science week.  Please see below for some pictures.

After coding students worked on their Random Acts of Kindness project.  Please see below for an example of a comic strip for this project.

This morning there were 5 classes in the music room practicing a number of winter songs.  The video below is of these classes singing "Ugly Sweater". 

If students would like to finish their "Hour of Code" coding they can visit this site to complete.
Once you have completed your 20 exercises please print off your certificate and bring to the class on Monday.  That way we can take a picture of all the certificates together.  We have two to start with.

Written by the students of Room 82!

Thursday, 10 December 2015

Thinking Thursday

Well today just flew by!!!!

This morning we worked with Jeff Stockton a couple of times supporting students with their stories.  Students are required to practice every night in front of their parents to help them remember their story.  However, they are not supposed to practice the night before their concert.  Instead Jeff informed all the students that they are supposed to ask their parents to get them a cookie or a pop instead :) (i.e. they are supposed to be relaxing)!  Please see below for some pictures.

The students continued to work on their Random Acts of Kindness project for their celebration of learning, which is taking place the second week of January.  Students are either working on a website, creating a game through coding, making a comic book, a flip book, stop motion video, a skit, poem, QR code, or a puppet show.  Students are doing a really great job with this.

Most of the students have placed their Mars Inquiry video onto IRIS.  Please check out your child's video, as they all did a really great job.

I want to send out a BIG THANK YOU to our families for bringing in presents for our FAMILIES HELPING FAMILIES program.  We generated a bunch of presents for the family.

Students are to create their secret number by giving at least three clues.  Once they have posted their clues they are to go and solve three of their peers numbers.  This homework is to be done on this blog.

Monday, 7 December 2015

December 7th, 2015

This morning our class continued working on coding.  This was a great opportunity as there is an Hour of Code program going through North America giving students an opportunity to become acquainted with coding.  Please ask your child what 10 blocks they were required to put in a sequence to create a code.  Once students placed these 10 blocks in a sequence within their coding book they were required to see what their actual code did in Scratch.  Please see below for some pictures and videos.

This afternoon we had our 1st annual Crafternoon in which students were able to sign up for a craft they wanted to complete.  This is a picture of the craft room 82 completed.  


Please answer the following question in your kidblog.
Why did Auggie say, "Ya think? Welcome to my world!"

I hope everyone has a great night.

Room 82

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

December 1st, 2015

This morning our class worked with the students from Room 82 to create examples of different "Random Acts of Kindness" for either globally, community, friends, family, school, etc.  Please watch below a couple of videos that students created showing different "Random Acts of Kindness".

This afternoon we continued working on our Mars Inquiry.  Please follow our twitter account @learners82, as we are trying to get in contact with Scott Kelly to find out what he would bring to Mars if he has the opportunity.

Students are required to come up with a deep thinking question they would like to ask Scott Kelly.  Remember the question needs to be less than 140 characters!!

Families Helping Families.
We are still looking for items to support our family.  Please see the below document for items that you may be able to help support our family in need.

Monday, 30 November 2015

November 30th, 2015

This morning we had Jeff Stockton speak to us about how to tell our story while presenting it.  He talked about story telling vitamins and that we need to practice our story every day.  Please see below for Hreem and Owen's storytelling.

This afternoon we continued to work on our Mars Inquiry.  Students were required to pick only 10 items they would want to take to Mars if they had the opportunity.  Please see below for some pictures.

After the inquiry class students were involved in a knowledge building circle.  Please see below for their answers on what they believe they should bring to Mars:

Emma: Nutritious food
Elora: I think you should go to school before you go to Mars
Emily: Clean Air
Dayna: training because you need to know how to survive on Mars
Morgan: clean water so you can drink
Marcus: Health care so you can help someone that is hurt
Marin: someone with you
Sam: you need to go to college so you can learn to get a job for Mars.  Once you get a job you need to find the importance of the planets
Nawfal: decent shelter to survive in
Hreem: we need protection because if you get hurt someone will be there to protect you
Anukula: I would bring a camera to send back pictures to earth
Marcus: a computer to send messages to NASA
Owen: fried food incase you run out of nutritious food
Margan: fairness so someone doesn’t push you off the ship
Elora: bring something to do like a bouncy ball to play with
Owen: you will need clean air so you can breathe
Marcus: a space suit cause you need a space suit to go outside
Dayna: you need entertainment
Sam: you need to have something so the kids can play and so the kids to be energized.  You need a playground so kids can run around to be energized
Anukula: A sample of soil and dirt
Nawfal: a way to contact the space station
Sam: you need to have clothes to stay warm
Hreem: you need to do exercise
Isabella: Water so you don’t get dehydrated

Muhammad: you need something if there is Aliens


Students can pick between one of the following two questions to answer this week:
1) Why did Jack change his mind?
2) What are the four reasons why Jack liked August?

Please place your answer on Kidblog:

1) Raz Kids usernames/passwords have been created.  They are attached to your child's blue folder.  Please go online to make sure your account works.
2) How is the Mathletics going? I'm hoping we will become one of 50 Canadian classes to become Mathletics experts.