Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Whippy Wednesday

Today was a fantastic day.

Please watch our videos below to find out what room 82 has learned today:

1) During art class we had a special teacher come in and teach us how to draw with circles and oval.  Please watch the video below.

2) Please watch the video below in our Inquiry into the Liberal Party.  Please ask you child what they have learned.

During dance we completed a warm-up and then 8 people became leaders to lead their group across the gym floor presenting different dance moves.

During math class we continued our discovery into patterns and then tried to figure out a tricky pattern question which we will review tomorrow.  Please ask you child about this question.

Also, home reading books went home with a number of students.  Please have your child read a minimum of 20 minutes a day and work on Mathletics for 10 minutes a day.

Homework: Please bring in any Liberal Party articles from the newspaper and/or magazines, as our students need to become experts in the subject.

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Talky Tuesday

Please watch the videos to see what the students in room 82 learned today.

The following video talks about creating a picture of a scene from the book Frindle.

This video states the songs that were sung in music class.

This video talks about running to the windmill during gym class.  Please check out our Terry Fox website at this link

See below for the following notes:
1) Picture day in next Wednesday, October 7th.
2) There will be a running club meeting this Thursday.
3) The Terry Fox run is this Friday

Also, I have included in your child's blue folder a Volunteer Information sheet.  Please fill out and send back with your son/daughter.

We all hope you have a great evening.... Also, your child is required to respond to their homework.

Your child is required to go onto Mathletics for at least 10 minutes a day to improve their math skill.

If you have any questions please let me know.

This blog was created by the students at room 82.

Monday, 28 September 2015

Money Monday

Please watch our video created today in regards to what room 82 students learned today.

The following are some notes/reminders:
1) The Terry Fox run is Friday, October 2nd.
2) Please note that there is a running club meeting tomorrow.
3) I was able to tape everyones Mathletics username/password to your child' blue folder.

Students are require to reply to 5 other room 82 students "New Word" comments.  Your child is required to create another sentence based on the new word in the comment section.  As a class we went through an example. 

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Wacky Wednesday

First we completed three rounds of Daily Five.  The students had an opportunity to Read to Self, Word Work, Writing, and Buddy Reading.  One of the CAFE strategies that was introduced was I-PICK.  The following is how you can help your child with this strategy at home:

1) When your child goes to read a text, have him/her use the I-PICK method to explain why that specific text was chosen.  Ask your child, "Is that a good-fit book for you? Show me how you know that." The I-PICK method is described below:

I- I pick a book
P-Purpose (what is the purpose for choosing this book?)
C-Comprehend (Do I understand the book?)
K-Know (Do I know most of the words?)

During gym class we participated in four corners.

After lunch the grade 3s worked on their SLAs.  While the grade 4s worked on their zoo project.  Ask your grade 4 child what a legend is and why we use it in a map.

After math class we danced a well deserved Gonoodle.  Ask your child to demonstrate.

During inquiry the students continued to work in small groups, trying to figure out what they would do if they happened to become stranded on a remote island.

This blog and title was created by Rm 82

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Today was a very productive day!!!

This morning the students finished typing out their "How to Be Me" writing assignment and they were all very exciting to read.  I learned a great deal about my students from this writing assignment.

The students adventured off to music and gym class in the morning.

As a class we continued to read "Frindle".  Please ask your child what happened when the reporter showed up at the school.  We shared some of the made up words that were completed on the blog from last night and I was very pleased!!!!  Please have your child complete the HOMEWORK blog from yesterday.  As a class we are going to create a dictionary full of our new words and definitions.

This afternoon the grade 3 students continued with the SLAs while the grade 4 students continued to work on their zoo project.  The grade 4s watched a quick video on the difference between a perimeter and area.

Area and Perimeter Video

During writing we started to investigate the different types of tools for writing.  We first read the book Max's Words (by Kate Banks).  Then, the first tool we discussed as a class was "Adding Detail", by discussing the difference between robotic writing and writing full of detail.

Towards the end of the day Cranston had a Terry Fox assembly.  Fundraising forms and tattoos have been handed out to the students.

We will NOT be having Running Club on Thursday at lunch due to our Open House in the evening.  We will still make sure that we have 10 full sessions in the fall.  See you at the next Running Club session on Tuesday, September 29th.
Keep on RUNNING!

Monday, 21 September 2015

September 21, 2015

First thing this morning the school had their first fire drill.  We discussed as a class the proper procedures of a fire drill and lockdown.  The students in Rm 82 did a great job!!!

Additionally, this morning we had our Peace assembly.  Students went out on the compound to blow their peace pinwheels in the wind, sing songs, and the school had their picture taken.  I will place the pictures on the website this week.  Please note that I have placed a number of pictures, of our first few weeks, in our class website.

This afternoon the grade 3s started their SLA testing, with Mr. McDougall, while the grade 4s worked on a math problem based on planning out a zoo.  Ask your child about this project, they should have a lot to talk about!!!

Please remember that fun lunch is Wednesday, September 23rd.  Also, the "Meet the Teacher" conference is Thursday, September 24th.  If you have any questions or concerns please let me know.

Homework completed by Wednesday:

Students need to create their own made-up word.  This word must to be about something within the classroom.  Students are also required to describe the word without actually stating what the word means by writing a sentence or definition of the word.

For example: Frindle.... I write on paper with my frindle.

Friday, 18 September 2015

Friday, September 18th, 2015

Today went by extremely quickly!!!!

This morning we spent time with our grade 1/2 buddies.  Everyone created a peace pinwheel which we will go outside Monday to watch them blow in the wind.  The students had a great time helping color/cut their younger buddy's pinwheel.

For the last part of our day we had our artist in residency come in and help us work on our Fauvist portrait.  They are coming along very nicely.  I'm looking forward to all of the parents look at their child's portrait on Thursday.

Please make sure that you have booked your conference either through a younger sibling or by contacting me via email.

The Entertainment books are due Monday.  Please send back your books if you have decided not to buy any or send back the forms if you have chosen to buy a book.


Please bring to class on Monday any newspaper articles in regards to the elections as we will be looking deeper into this subject matter.

I hope everyone has a great weekend!!!!

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Sticky Wednesday

This morning we continued to work on our Fauvist portrait.  We are looking forward to showing our parents during Meet the Teacher conference, which is next Thursday.

Our grade 3 students started to work on their SLAs and worked through a practice round, this was done through Quest A+.

This afternoon Ms Handlesman talked about Rosh Hashanah and we watched a couple of videos and each student received a piece of apple with honey.  YUM YUM!!!!

HOMEWORK: Please have your child take pictures of the letters in their name.  If you need an example please read Tuesday's blog.  This needs to be completed by tomorrow.  If you have any questions please let me know.

Reminder: Tomorrow is our first day at our Cranston Run Club.  Please bring your lunch and wear appropriate shoes and clothing.

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Twisty Tuesday

In music class the students sang the "Fight" song; however, the class changed the lyrics to "Terry's Fight" song.  They also played a musical name game.  EXCITING NEWS: Cranston is one of two schools in Calgary to be picked  to break a New World Record for singing the National Anthem with the most students.  There have been roughly a total of 80 schools that have been picked for this event.

This morning the students started their peer editing of the "How to Be Me" writing assignment.  The students were required to edit their friends work based on three criterias; 1) A STAR ("I really like....."); 2) A WISH ("Why don't you try...."); and 3) I THINK ("This part reminds me of....").

In the afternoon we continued on with our science inquiry.  We worked in groups to come up with ideas to help recycle Crayola markers.  Some of these ideas included; letters to manufacturing company, a video, create posters, make t-shirts, etc.

Also, if your child has not finished seeking out letters for their name please make sure this is finished for Thursday.  The pictures can be sent back to me via email.

Please send back your Scholastic book orders if you would like to purchase an item.  I will be ordering the purchases tomorrow.

This blog was created by the students of Rm 82.

Monday, 14 September 2015

Monday, September 14th, 2015

Today was a very productive, challenging, and fun day!!!

We started our morning with our Daily 5.  Students had the option of 'Reading to Self', 'Buddy Reading', 'Writing', or 'Word Work'.  During this time I was able to work with a number of small groups with guided reading and word work.  We are incorporating the "Words Their Way" approach for spelling.

After Daily 5 the students had an opportunity to finish up some assignments that we have been working on over the past couple of weeks.  

During the past two days students have been seeking out letters in their name within the classroom, hallways, outside, or within nature.  If the students have not been able to complete finding of their letters in their name and taking a picture of those letters they have been asked to finish this assignment at home.  Once they have taken a picture of their letters they can be emailed to me.  This part of the assignment needs to be completed by Thursday so we can start the next part Friday involving computers.  The following are some examples of the letters in Mrs. Quilley:





During the afternoon we continued to explore the world of patterns in mathematics.  After math the students continued to work on their "How to Be Me" writing assignment, some of the students have decided to bring home this assignment to finish.  PLEASE BRING BACK YOUR WRITING JOURNALS!!!!!!  We discussed as a class what strategies we need in order to improve our writing (for example, capital letters, punctuation, juicy words, complete sentences, etc.).

Scholastic orders are due Wednesday, September 16th, 2015.  If you would like to order a book, magazine, etc. please submit your order by Wednesday.

Some of the students are confused about the afternoon snack... I'm sorry for this!!!  As a class we have discussed some examples for afternoon snacks.  These are some examples... bananas, muffin, apple, cheese stick, granola bar, grapes, etc.  We just want to make sure that the snack isn't messy, or taking away from our work.

Finally, Meet the Teacher Evening will be open to parents to book their session on Wednesday, September 16th.  During the first 15 minutes parents are to meet in the gym then followed by meet the teacher and explore our school for 40 minutes. 

Thursday, 10 September 2015

A Thumping Thursday

We had a great Thursday today!!!

This morning we worked on our Daily 5.  During Daily 5 we had the choice of working on writing, reading to someone or reading to self.  We also worked on our Words Their Way spelling list.

This morning we had music class.  During music we sang "Fight Song" and we changed the words to support Terry Fox.  We were also practicing our National Anthem.  During gym class we had a running warm-up.  Ask us what type of hula-hoop cooperative game we played.

We continued to read Frindle and we got to the main part of the story.  Ask your child what were the three main events that lead Nick to his great plan.

In the afternoon we worked in groups of three or four and analyze different patterns.  I will post the pictures once I receive all of the proper signed forms.

Cranston has started a Running Club that will last five weeks.  A form will be emailed to all the parents.  If you would like to sign up your child for the running club, please fill out the forms and send them back by September 15th.

We discussed today about the afternoon snack.  I explained the snack needs to be a one-handed snack.  We talked about the different options (e.g. apple, cheese stick, etc.).  Also, we discussed that the second snack is not mandatory, as a number of students thought that they needed to bring an extra snack.

Additionally, everyone needs to respond back to Tuesday's Math Question so we can go over it as a class!!!!

We have started a new writing project called "How to Be Me".  Please ask your child about this project.

In support of Terry Fox and to build stamina our class will be running/walking to the windmill tomorrow for gym class.  Please make sure your child will have the appropriate attire.

The title and blog was written by the students of Rm 82 :)

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Wednesday, September 9th

Today was a fantastic day and it flew by!!!!

Our Daily 5 lesson today focused on Read to Self, Read to a Buddy, and Write to Self.  We have been working on building up our stamina and most of the students were able to stay on task.  I have started my guided reading groups so please as your child about their new book.

This morning the students started their dance program in the gym.  They all seemed to enjoy it very much.

We continued on with our Read Aloud of Frindle just before lunch.  Please ask your child how Nick  has been trying to stall his class during Language Arts.

This afternoon we had a fun, but engaging Math class.  I absolutely enjoy hearing my students say "oh I don't want to finish math" or "I actually enjoy math class".  One of the math questions I asked the students to work on involved understanding the difference between a square and a rectangle.  I asked all of my students to come back to class tomorrow with a definition of a square and rectangle.  Remember if you do not come back with the definition I will give you the Ms. Granger eyes :).

During writing we read the story "How to Be" and discussed descriptive writing.  The students were asked to write about themselves, (i.e. physical skills, personality traits, etc.) in a chart.  Please talk to your child about this writing activity; however, each student is an expert on themselves.

I have decided to implement an afternoon snack as our afternoons are longer this year.  Please have you child come with a one-hand snack for the afternoons.  I will go over this with the students tomorrow; however, a one-hand snack consists of a snack that can be eaten with just ONE hand (for example, an apple, cheese sticks, etc.).  This snack should not require a spoon or fork!!!  If you have any questions please let me know.

I will be submitting the Scholastic orders next week.  Please let me know if you would like to place an order.

I'm looking forward to receiving more answers to the math problem on yesterdays blog.  Please make sure your child has answered the math problem.

Thank you,
Mrs. Quilley

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Today we started another inquiry project based on Waste in our World.  During this class we watched a couple of small videos.  The first video was based on the recycling depot in Calgary, while the second was on Crayola markers.  Please ask your child what they learned during these two videos.

We are starting a new art project later this week.  Our class is looking for old magazines to use for this creative project.  If you have any extra old magazines please send them in with your child tomorrow or Thursday.

Also, please return the Cranston Elementary School forms as they were due today.

Math Question of the Day:
As a class we have been observing the number of people that have visited our blog.  I would like my students to figure out the number of people that visited our classroom blog yesterday.  The following math problem gives three hints to allow your child to figure out the number of people that have visited our blog.  Parents, what questions can you use to guide your child to come up with the answer?    Please have your child answer this math problem as we will be discussing it throughout the week.

1) The ones digit is double the tens digit.
2) The ones digit is a multiple of three.
3) The overall number is less than 100.

I'm looking forward to reading the responses!

Have a good evening!!

Monday, 7 September 2015

Upcoming Week/Magazines

Dear Parents,

I thoroughly enjoyed my first week of school getting to know each of my students and engaging them in some fun and challenging projects.

I’m looking ahead to this week and I would like to construct a creative art project with my students; however, I need help from you!!  In order to complete this project I require a number of old magazines that the students can cut up.  Please note that you will not be receiving these magazines back so please be sure that you are OK with donating them.  If you are able to send in old magazines by Wednesday/Thursday that would be greatly appreciated.

Also, I sent home the Scholastic book order last Friday.  If you would like to order some books please send back your book order and I will submit it.  It is expected that each student read a minimum of 20 minutes per day; this may include proper level reading books, our classroom blog, magazines, etc.  If you have any questions in regards to this please let me know.

There are a number of strategies that parents can help with their child’s understanding of reading.  Some of these Daily 5 strategies include:

1)    When reading to your child, stop periodically and say, “Let’s see if we remember what I just read. Think about who the story was about and what happened.” Do this 3 or 4 times throughout the story.
2)    When reading to your child, stop and have them practice checking for understanding by saying, “I heard you say...”
3)    Ask your child the following questions:
a)   Who did you just read about?
b)   What just happened?
c)   Was your brain talking to you while you read?
d)   Do you understand what was read?
e)   What do you do if you don’t remember?

I look forward to our upcoming weeks.  If you have any questions in regards to last week or the upcoming weeks please let me know.

Mrs. Quilley

Friday, 4 September 2015

Funny French Fry Friday

This morning was exiting because we were able to meet and read with our grade 1/2 buddies.

We also continued on with our inquiry project.  We are inquiring into the election this fall.  We developed a number of great questions throughout the past two days.

Question on the blog:
During the weekend I would like you do write one more question you have in regards to the election.

Also, the Scholastics forms are in your in child's folder.  If you would like to purchase a book from Scholastics please return the form by September 16th.  Please note you are able to purchase the books online; however, you will need to search for Mrs Quilley.

Additionally, the Fee and Publish Consent forms need to be returned by Tuesday, September 8th.

NOTE: There will be no school monday!!!!

The blog and title was written by RM 82 :)!!!!

Thursday, 3 September 2015

The Epic Third Day

This morning we continued on with our Daily 5 stamina and we were able to read up to 12 minutes.  Students are welcome to bring their own leveled reading books for Daily 5.  We also worked comprehension and accuracy while reading.

In music class students met Mrs McBride and the students explained something about themselves that  involved music.

The students enjoyed their muffins immensely and a number of students are bringing home apart of their muffin.  We then enjoyed playing tag and on the playground during gym class.

After lunch we continued on with our novel study Frindle and your child answered the following questions:
1) What did Nick do to stall the lesson so they could go home quicker?
2) And how did it back fire on him?

During math class the students answered a number of open-ended math problems involving patterns.

Please ask your child where they saw a minion!!!!!

We had a kick-off assembly for the Entertainment Books.  Students will be bringing home one book to try and sell.  The goal is to sell as many books as possible.  If you do not sell any books please bring back the original in good shape.  If our class sells the most Entertainment Books we will receive a PIZZA PARTY!!!!

Mrs Handlesman's class and our class is starting a new Inquiry question.  Please ask your child about our new inquiry.

Students have been asked to bring in newspaper articles involving the election.

Please remember that we do not have school Monday as it's September long weekend.  Also, tomorrow is a half a day and school finishes at 12:00pm.

P.S. The class came up with the title and blog :)

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

September 2, 2015

We started our day off with Daily 5.  Our class worked on building stamina.  The highest we were able to accomplish today was three minutes. Our goal for tomorrow is 5 minutes; however, our overall goal is 20 minutes per session.  Our class read the story "The Brand New Kid" and we practiced our comprehension skills.

We talked as a class and we decided that some of the students would like to bring books from their home to read during Daily 5.  Therefore, the students are more than welcome to bring in their own books and we will keep them protected.

We started our Words Their Way concept and therefore had our first spelling test.  After our spelling test we had gym class and played on the playground.

Once we came in from outside we started our Read Aloud book called "Frindle".  We are extremely excited to be reading this novel as a class.  We are waiting to find out what the main character is going to do next.  Ask your child about some of the pranks that Nick pulled on his teacher.

After lunch we dived into our math class.  Ask your child about the two math questions they worked on and the new logic puzzle called Skyscraper.

During writing we discussed about our summer vacation.  We talked about capital letter, punctuation, making our sentences more juicy.  The students wrote about some of the adventures they went on during their summer vacation.

Last but not least, we finished our day with art.

Also, ask your child how many people have visited our blog.  As a class we are trying to receive 23 comments to our first blog.

I hope everyone had a great day and I look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow for a new exciting day!!!

REMINDER: Tomorrow snack will be provided by the parent council.  If your child is allergic to banana chocolate chip muffins or cheese please have them bring their own snack.  Also, if your child does not like either then they should bring their own snack.

Mrs. Quilley

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

First Day in Rm 82

What a fabulous day!!!!

At the beginning of the day we played a number of games to introduce everyone and the class and learn everyone’s name.  Also, we read the story “The Name Jar” and students started to understand the importance of individuals name.

In the afternoon the class started an art project.  First, the students came up with a number of descriptive words to describe themselves (such as, loving, adventurous, sneaky J) and then the students collaborated all the words together and wrote them on the write board.  Finally, the students traced their hands and decorated their hands with the descriptive words that they created.  You will be able to see the final display during parent/teacher meet and greet.

Later in the afternoon the students attended an assembly based on the book “If Kids Ran the World”.

Your child received a folder to take home.  This folder will be handed back and forth between home and school to pass documents.  If you need to send me information please use this folder or email me at  Additionally, within this folder can you please sign the documents as soon as possible?  One of the documents allows me to place pictures of your child on our classroom blog.  I need this document signed before I can place your child’s pictures on the blog.  I have a number of great pictures that I would like to share with you.

On Thursday, September 3 at 10AM parent council will be providing grade 1-4 students of Cranston School with a light breakfast of a banana chocolate chip muffin and a cheese string.  If your child has a food allergy to please ensure that they bring an alternative snack for that day.

What was your favourite part of the day? and Why?

We will look at the responses to this question tomorrow.  My goal is to assign a question on the blog Monday and we will review the responses throughout the week.

It was an absolute delight to meet all of my students!!! We had a great first day.

Mrs. Quilley