Wednesday, 2 September 2015

September 2, 2015

We started our day off with Daily 5.  Our class worked on building stamina.  The highest we were able to accomplish today was three minutes. Our goal for tomorrow is 5 minutes; however, our overall goal is 20 minutes per session.  Our class read the story "The Brand New Kid" and we practiced our comprehension skills.

We talked as a class and we decided that some of the students would like to bring books from their home to read during Daily 5.  Therefore, the students are more than welcome to bring in their own books and we will keep them protected.

We started our Words Their Way concept and therefore had our first spelling test.  After our spelling test we had gym class and played on the playground.

Once we came in from outside we started our Read Aloud book called "Frindle".  We are extremely excited to be reading this novel as a class.  We are waiting to find out what the main character is going to do next.  Ask your child about some of the pranks that Nick pulled on his teacher.

After lunch we dived into our math class.  Ask your child about the two math questions they worked on and the new logic puzzle called Skyscraper.

During writing we discussed about our summer vacation.  We talked about capital letter, punctuation, making our sentences more juicy.  The students wrote about some of the adventures they went on during their summer vacation.

Last but not least, we finished our day with art.

Also, ask your child how many people have visited our blog.  As a class we are trying to receive 23 comments to our first blog.

I hope everyone had a great day and I look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow for a new exciting day!!!

REMINDER: Tomorrow snack will be provided by the parent council.  If your child is allergic to banana chocolate chip muffins or cheese please have them bring their own snack.  Also, if your child does not like either then they should bring their own snack.

Mrs. Quilley

1 comment:

  1. Ethan wants to go out and buy a new book to being to class


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