Friday, 29 January 2016

January 29, 2016

During buddies students worked with Mr. Soulliere's class to communicate and collaborate with their group in order to make Dash and Dot into one of the following items; an alien, an animal, a fire truck, or a car.  Please see some pictures below.

During math students continued to work on the math problem from yesterday.  The students figured out the important information from the problem and created a life size model of the problem.  Please ask your child about the problem and see some of the pictures from below.

Inquiry (Social Studies):
Students started their triple venn diagram to compare the following countries with the difference between the school systems; Canada, Peru, and India.

REMEMBER: There is no school Monday.  I look forward to seeing everyone Tuesday!!!

Have a great weekend.

Blog written by the students of room 82.

Thursday, 28 January 2016

January 28th, 2016

Daily 5:
During Daily 5 students continued to work on their picture prompt writing, as well Read to Self, or work on Word Work.  A number of students have recognized that fluency is a goal that they should be working on.  Parents can help their child with fluency by following the below strategies at home:
  1. Have your child choose a different paragraph from the story they are reading each day. Have them reread that paragraph until they can read it smoothly, with expression, and read all the words correctly. This practice doesn’t take long, only five to eight minutes each day.
  2. Remind your child that he/she must be reading from a good-fit book. If the book is too difficult, your child’s energy will be spent on decoding words and not on fluent reading.
  3. Model what fluent reading sounds like by reading aloud to your child. Then, have your child reread a paragraph they have heard you read. 
A number of students had an opportunity to share a story that they have been working on during Daily 5.  Below are a few pictures of students sharing their stories.

Gym Class:
During gym students participated in a number of activities.  Please see below for a picture.

Math Class:
During math class students continued to work on their multiplication facts with the games Math War and "All Hands on Deck".  Once the students finished working with the games they worked individually or in groups to answer one of the questions below.  Students were encouraged to answer the question by using the Think, Solve, and Answer method.  Please ask you child about this method.

Inquiry Class (Science):
During inquiry students continued to create their water filtration system.  We are going to test the water filtration systems Monday.  Below are some pictures of the process the students used to create their the water filtration system.

Inquiry Class (Social Studies):

Students wrote jot notes while watching a video on students attending a school in Peru.  Tomorrow, students will work in groups to compare the school system between India, Peru, and Canada.  

If available please have your child bring in, additional information on the school system of India or Peru (via, book, magazine, newspaper articles, etc.) to help their group compare the different countries.

Blog written by the students of room 82.

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Wednesday, January 27th, 2016

This morning a substitute teacher worked with our students for Daily 5, writing, and dance.  During writing students had four picture prompts to choose from.  Please ask your child which picture he/she choose and what their story will sound like.

During the afternoon students participated in our regular Wednesday rotations.  During coding students continued to work on their Ish story on Scratch.

After rotations Ms. Handlesman discussed with our students the importance of Digital Citizenship.  We had an in-depth conversation on the importance of being safe on the internet.  Please go through the following link with your child.

Digital Citizenship website:

Students please discuss on the blog one fact your found interesting on the Digital Citizenship website.

Have a great evening!

Monday, 25 January 2016

Monday, January 25th, 2016

This morning we worked with Ms. Handlesman's class and "Read to Self" because our class is receiving a new SmartBoard.

In writing we looked at instructional/procedural writing and pretended that an alien came to Cranston School and didn't know how to brush his/her teeth. Students created instructions for this alien to brush it's teeth. Please see below for a video.

During gym class students participated in a number of different activities to field their fitness level.

This afternoon, during Mrs Quilley's math class, some students played "All Hands On Deck".  Please ask your child about this game.  Also, if you have an opportunity to play math war with your child this will help improve your child's multiplication skills.

After math, some students started to create their water filtration prototype.  Below are some pictures of the process.

Lastly, students continued to work on their literacy coding project.  If students would like to work on this at home, please make sure they save their work.

Why did Auggie feel like he was underwater?  Also, explain how that would make him feel (be specific).

Have a good night!

Thursday, 21 January 2016

Thursday, January 21st, 2016

This morning, during buddies, our class worked with Mr. Soulliere's class with Dash and Dots.  This gave students an opportunity to use their communication and problem solving skills, with the grade 1/2 class.  Please see below for some pictures.

This afternoon, during Mrs Quilley's math class, students played a math war game involving multiplication.  This is a great game for your child to play at home to improve their multiplication skills.  Also, the class investigated patterns within the multiplication chart.  Please ask your child about different patterns within the chart.  We will continue with this next week.

During inquiry, my group of students continued to work on their water filtration system.  We talked about the importance of creating instructions to put their system together.  We will be continuing this Monday, as well as start building their prototype.  Please have your child bring in their supplies.

During our Daily 5, students had an opportunity to work on their editing skills, as well as read to self or work on word work.

Blog written by students of room 82

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Wednesday, January 20th, 2015

During literacy Ms. Handlesman's class and our class worked together to create a story with coding.  Please see below for an example.

This morning during Mrs. Quilley's math class students worked on their Mental Math strategies, as well as investigated a number of multiplication equations.  Please see below for an example of one of the multiplication equations we have been working on.  If you have time please work with your child with different multiplication equations with the below Frayer model.

This afternoon students continued with their rotations cycle; coding, french, handwriting, and art.  During coding students were required to work on creating a code to explain the book Ish by Peter H Reynolds  (   If students would like to work on this at home they are more than welcome to.  The following is the link for the website.... .  Students will be required to share their projects in two weeks.  This will give students one more coding class to work on this project.  Below are the coding blocks that the students are required to work with.  If your child decides to work at home please make sure your child saves his/her project.

Have a great evening!

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

January 19th, 2016

During Daily 5 students received their new words for spelling, as well as worked on their editing skills.  After Daily 5 students went to music and played a new game called "King Treble Clef" game, where students used the staff to recreate words.  Please ask your child about this game.  During gym students did a fitness test called the "Beep" test.

Also, we continued to read the book Wonder.

This afternoon, during Mrs. Quilley's math class, students continued to work on their math word problem, as well as create a Frayer model to investigate different strategies (arrays, skip counting, and grouping) to multiply the equation 5 X 6 =  .

After math, students worked on the water filtration system or their building unit.  If possible we are still looking for some supplies for the water filtration system; water bottles, cups, popsicle sticks, sponges, rocks, pebbles, sand, elastics, etc.  If your child is able to bring the supplies by Thursday so they can start creating their project.

Students are in the process of investigating a different country.  Today I have asked students to dig deeper into the life of a child in their country; school, rights, health care, activities, travel to school, etc.  If possible please have your child bring in extra resources from their country; newspaper articles, magazines, books, etc. to help them learn more about their country.  In time, students are required to answer this question.... What would it be like to live in (country) when I'm (8/9) years old?

Blog written by students of room 82!

Monday, 18 January 2016

Monday, January 18th, 2016

This morning Ms. Handlesman's class and our class worked together on creating our story through coding.  First students were required to pick a partner and then find a book together to read.  Students then created a visual storyboard and from their storyboard they will apply their knowledge and create a story through Scratch.  Please see below for some pictures about the project.

During math class students worked in small groups to answer one of the following questions below.  We discussed as a class the importance of answering the full question while showing their work.  Students were required to answer the questions with the following in mind; Think, Solve, and Answer.  Please ask your child what those headings mean and the importance behind them.  The following are the questions.

This afternoon students continued to work with either Mrs. Bowles or myself on the Mars Inquiry.  In my group students created a prototype of their water filtration system.  If your child required additional materials for their prototype they should inform you.

Also, students continued to gather information on their country of choice in order to find out the following; traditions, cultures, food, children's rights, quality of life, etc.  Please see below for a picturea of their Global Art Exchange project.  Also, please check out this website

Students are required to answer the following question in their kidblog.  

How did Auggie feel being lost in the crowd, who found Auggie, and how do you think that made Auggie feel?

Have a great evening!

Thursday, 14 January 2016

Thursday, January 14th, 2016

This morning we started a new lesson on telling a story through different means.  Students first selected a story, with their  partner, then created a visual storyboard.  Tomorrow students should be able to retell their story by coding it on Scratch.  Please ask your child about this project.

Also, this morning students played floor hockey in gym class and practiced their song for the assembly in music.

This afternoon students explored this website and this website for a greater understanding of balanced equations.  Please have your child practice this at home.  Students in Mrs Collins class is encouraged to practice their math skills as well on these two sites.

After math students explored their science inquiry in greater detail.  My group of students worked on their water filtration system and they are starting to create their first prototype of this system.  Please see below for a webcam of Mars.

At the end of day students practiced their Random Acts of Kindness assembly as tomorrow is when they will be sharing it with the school.

Students are required to go onto kidblog and complete the following questions:
1) Explain what you have learned over the past week in your science inquiry group.    
2) Explain the purpose of the prototype and how it will work.  Make sure you include the different materials that will be used for your prototype.

1) Room 81 and 82 sharing assembly is tomorrow at 11:10 am.  Please come a bit early to find a seat as we will be starting the assembly at exactly 11:10.
2) Scholastic book orders are due tomorrow.

Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Tuesday, January 12th

Today flew by!!!!!

This morning we continued with our Daily 5 sessions, as well finished up the last of our Random Acts of Kindness as we will be presenting at our Showcase assembly this Friday at 11:10am.

After lunch, during Math, we worked on mental math, as well as communicating and collaborating different math problems.  After Math, students continued with our Science Inquiry project.  Students are in the process of creating/developing a water filtration system.  Students were asked to bring in the following products to help build the water filtration system:

Coffee filter
Empty water bottle
Clear plastic cup

Popsicle sticks

I will provide the remainder supplies.

1) Scholastic book orders are due this Friday.
2) The following is a link for students to add their input for the new MiddleSchool name

Thursday, 7 January 2016

Thursday, January 7th, 2016

Please see below for a couple of activities that we worked on during the day.

During our Science Inquiry we watched a video of a space shuttle's launch going to the International Space Station.  Students are required to pick the specialist they would like to become in order to survive on Mars.  Once they pick the specialist they want to become they will be spending the next couple of months learning about this occupation.  Please see below for the video.

During our Social Inquiry students explored the different pictures that came from all around the world and examined what the images portrayed and wrote about what they wanted to learn in more detail from that country.

HOMEWORK:  It is important for students to take the time to finish this. 

Students are required to pick the specialist they would like to become in order to survive on Mars.  They also need to write why they choose this specialist and how is it going to help them survive. This activity should be completed on this blog.  If students aren't able to complete this homework on this blog then they can bring in a piece of paper or complete it on the kidblog.

Mrs. Quilley

Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Wednesday, January 6th, 2016

This morning students worked on their "Random Acts of Kindness" project.  Please see below for an example of a stop motion animation of a random act of kindness.

Also, students enjoyed an exciting class of dance.

This afternoon students completed their four rotational cycle of Coding, French, Art, and Handwriting.  Please see below for a video of their code.

Written by room 82

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

January 5th, 2016

Today flew by!!!!

This morning we were able to work through three sessions of Daily 5, which included reading to self, writing, reading to buddy, or word work.

Also, this morning included music and gym.  Please ask your child what they did during this time.

This afternoon we started our Mars Inquiry again :).  Students reviewed the different specialists that are required to survive on Mars.  As well, what we need to survive for the first day on Mars.  Below is the homework students are required to complete.

Also, this afternoon some groups were able to complete their Random Acts of Kindness project.  There will be an assembly next Friday to showcase all the hard work your child has been doing.  Parents are invited to come to this assembly.

Students are required to answer the following question....
How will our needs change between 1 day to 1 month to survive on Mars.  Make sure you talk about the different specialists, why they are important and how your needs have changed over time.
(This homework is to be completed on kidblog.....

Cranston News:
Little Warriors Presentation - Places on this January 21st workshop are limited. To register for a free place follow the below link to the Little Warriors website. Click on “register for an in person workshop.” Select Calgary from the drop down menu, you will then be able to select the above workshop and register.

Monday, 4 January 2016

January, 4th, 2016

We would like to wish everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

In the morning we worked on our Daily Five. Students had an opportunity to read to self, work on writing, word work, or read to a buddy.  After Daily Five we worked on an editing paragraph.  Please see below for an example.

During gym class students initially ran 5 laps of the gym while completing 5 star jumps after each lap.  We then worked as a group to try and get as much of the bean bags as possible.  Please ask your child about this game.  Also, during the afternoon we had a well deserved body break.

During my math class students were introduced, or reviewed arrays for multiplication.  Please review this strategy with your child tonight as we will be continuing to work with multiplication and division.  Additionally, students worked collectively and collaboratively to solve mathematical problems.  Mrs. Redwood's math class worked on their number of the day, which was 104, and completed a mental math game.

Later this afternoon students continued to work on the Random Acts of Kindness project.  Please see below for a couple of pictures and videos from the project.

Blog written by Students from room 82