This is the podcast group:
Below are a number of pictures and a video of the video group. Also, please see the URL for the Liberal Party video
We continued to read our Wonder read aloud book. As a class we continued to talk about "Random Acts of Kindness". Students are encourage to complete "Random Acts of Kindness" at home, on their walk to school, at school, within their community, etc. Please talk to your child about diverse types of acts of kindness your child can complete. Please see below a picture of our "Random Acts of Kindness" jar filling up after one weekend.
During the first part of the afternoon the grade 4s worked on math while the grade 3s continued to work on their SLAs. A couple of students worked on finishing their zoo project while the rest of the group started an "Op Art Cubism" project based on patterns. Please ask your child what they decided to draw for a pattern.
1) Running Club members were given an order form for Running Club T-Shirts. Orders and money must be returned to their homeroom teachers by Thursday, October 15th to ensure that we receive the t-shirts prior to our last running club day.
2) The Halloween Howler went forms went home today.
3) Also, we are looking for one volunteer for Friday morning as our class is going to be apart of the Student Vote on Friday. Can you please email me if you are able to volunteer and the times.
Thank you,
Mrs. Quilley
Podcasting is fun
I'm glad you are enjoying the podcasting process Emily. Your podcast is now on the student liberal party website. Check out the blog from today for the URL.