Wednesday, 28 October 2015

October 28th, 2015

This morning we continued with our Daily 5 session.  Some students had the opportunity exchange their home reading books, also they were able to share their writing work with a number of student teachers.  The student teachers were very impressed!!!!

After snack we created a setting story map from the book "Daisy Comes Home".  Please see the video below for a description of our learning.

This afternoon we went on our first "Community Walk" to the pond.  In our inquiry into descriptive words students were required to draw the area in and around the pond and then explore descriptive words that represented each nature piece.  Please see Makenna's video explaining this process, as well as I have uploaded a bunch of pictures to our class website in regards to the community walk.  Also, a number of students found a powder on some of the trees.  They have been asked to go home and try to figure out what the powder is and what it can be used for.  Some of the students were discussing that the powder could be used for sunscreen.

Hreem's video talking about the powder on the trees.

1) Scholastic Book Orders are being sent home.
2) Original Art Work painting pieces were sent home today.  If you would like to purchase your child's art, which can be placed on a mug, shirt, mouse pad, etc., please bring back the information provided in his/her folder.
3) Also, if anyone would like to volunteer tomorrow morning please send me an email.

Notes from the office:

Grade 1-4 Students can choose to dress up for Thursday, October 29th in the afternoon. Kindergarten students will come to school in their costumes. To minimize disruptions, Grade 1-4 students will need to come to school with costumes in their back packs and dress themselves up.    For safety, no masks or play weapons and costumes need to be age appropriate.  

Have a great night!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Mrs.Quiley I'm going to do the kid blog and what's our title again?


Please keep all comments appropriate :)