Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Tuesday, October 6th, 2015

Today just flew by!!!!

NOTE: Tomorrow is picture day!!!!!

During Daily 5 the students received their new words of the week.  Once they received their words they cut them out, and sorted them.  Please ask your child what some of their new words were.

Please see below for an example of what is happening with the Grade 3 SLAs.

We needed a well deserved body break after the grade 4s continued on with their zoo project.  They are looking fantastic!!!  In addition, the grade 3s worked really hard on their SLAs.  Please see below for a snippet of a video of our body break.

During math class we continued on with patterns.  I presented the following pattern to my math class... 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8.... some of the students were able to figure out the rule to this pattern.  We will explore this pattern in greater detail tomorrow in regards to nature.

I hope everyone has a great night!
Mrs. Quilley


  1. 1. Lower then 50.
    2. Greater then 40.
    3. You can count by 5's to get to it.
    4. It is a odd numder.

    1. 1.it is an even number
      2.between 50 and 100
      3.multiple of 2 and 4


Please keep all comments appropriate :)