Monday, 2 November 2015

November 2nd, 2015

This morning four classes came together to inquire into Remembrance Day.  The following were a couple of videos we watched.

The Trews - Highway of Heroes

A Pittance of Time

As well the following is a video of the four classes signing to "A Pittance of Time".

As a class we started to code (program computers) last week with Scratch.  Today we continued to sign up each of the students so they all have their own accounts.  Some students have requested to take what they have learned in class and expand upon it.  I absolutely encourage this and am delighted that they are interested in doing so!!!!  The following is the website that we worked on and each child has their own username and password.

Please see below for a couple of pictures of the students coding.

This afternoon we continued to work on our Art Exchange Program.  After students made a list of various words that represent Canada they went on a scavenger hunt to try and find these words in magazines.  If students would like to try and find these words at home in magazines and newspapers they are more than welcome to.

HOMEWORK: Students are required to complete the following letter in their kidblogs.

Write a letter to Jack Will from Auggie's point of view.  Explain to Jack what you heard and how it made you feel.  Use the following format:

Dear Jack Will,

(Write you letter here.)


1) Intramural forms went home today for the students that wanted to join.  Please bring back the forms tomorrow.
2) Scholastic book orders are due next Monday.
3) If you are able to volunteer this week please email me at
4) If you would like to purchase the Original Art Works please send back the information Wednesday.

Have a great night!
Mrs. Quilley

1 comment:

  1. Could Leighton please get a form for intramurals? He only has the cheque writing campaign one in his folder. Thanks - Jen


Please keep all comments appropriate :)