Tuesday, 10 November 2015

November 10th, 2015


Please see below for a document of all the items that our family requires help getting.  Can you please put your child's name next to the item that you are able to purchase.

This morning we had a tour of our three new learning commons.  Some of the students were able to take library book; however, the rest of the students will be able to take out books Thursday.

Also, this morning we attended a Remembrance Day assembly.  During this assembly we had two minutes of silence as well listened to a few songs.

During inquiry a number of students finished up our Art Exchange picture.  Please see below for some pictures and a video of the project.

1) There is no school tomorrow.  Make sure you enjoy your day off.

Room 82!


  1. Families Helping Families:
    Morgan will bring some craft and art supplies and pajamas for the 7 year old girl.

    ~~ Morgan

  2. Families Helping Families:
    Emma will bring a hair accessories for the girl, learning toy for the baby and hoodies for the Mom and Dad.
    (Sorry for not posting in the google doc but I could not get the link to work).

  3. 1. The number is between 30 & 50
    2. The number is odd
    3. You will get to it counting by 13s.
    Sorry is my math question was too easy. cRuZy BoY rOx!!

  4. I think your number is 39.

  5. I haven't been able to see the families helping families sheet but Richelle will bring tooth brushes/tooth paste! I will add more once I see the sheet!

  6. I couldn't get on the families helping families sheet cause the google account but I will bring: a skipping rope and 3 toothbrushes for the girl, wipes for the baby, and queen size sheet for bedding.

  7. The Google form won't open for us either. We picked up for the 7-year-old: 1 x pajamas, kids necklace set, Frozen backpack, and a few small toys. For the baby: Blanket, several shirts and onesies, mittens, and 2 books.

    We do have a brand new Lalaloopsy blanket that measures 62 x 90, but I'm not sure if that'll be OK for a double size bed as requested - if you think it's of use, we can definitely send that as well for the older girl.

    Thanks - Leighton


Please keep all comments appropriate :)